By Rahul Lal
Amber Rose hosted her annual SlutWalk this past weekend; the event is meant to help educate and raise awareness to issues of slut shaming, victim blaming and many other forms of bullying. While there was plenty of positive feedback, Amber was also met with negative attention from Benzino, an infamous hip-hop producer and executive, and she discussed the issue on this week’s Loveline with Amber Rose (part of CBS Radio’s podcast network).
Benzino released an instagram video attacking the SlutWalk and the message he believed Amber was trying to send with it.
“This has nothing to do with rape,” said Benzino. “This is basically embracing that it’s okay for [women] to sleep with a thousand men and [they] should be held to the same standard men are… I got a daughter and she not falling for it so I could give a f– about how any of y’all think about what I’m saying.”
Amber took plenty of offense to this, as her and Benzino have interacted many times and they share Cape Verdean heritage. She clarified what SlutWalk’s message is.
Related: Amber Rose Fires Back at P!nk, Defends Kim Kardashian
“I’m literally saying to go out and do whatever the f— you want,” responded Amber. “Do not apologize for it, protect yourself and have f—ing fun as a grown a– person… I’m not here to raise your kids, people. I’m not here to be anybody’s mother.”
Amber qualified that statement by noting that she’s is a mother to her own son.
“I am not a role model, okay?” Amber said emphatically. “I’m a girl from Philly that was a stripper that f—ing fell in love with a famous rich guy and guess what? I became famous for my look and my f—ing confidence and attitude. I took my platform somewhere else and made it absolutely bigger and better. Then I married a famous guy and had a beautiful baby with him.”
Amber noted that there are plenty of other celebrities who could be attacked for not doing anything to help anyone, while she is trying to help a large demographic of people who are overlooked and belittled in the media. While she can’t tackle every issue in the world, she said, she is doing her best to make sure that she helps this issue. She also brought up the point that instead of trying to turn her into a role model, parents should look to be role models for their children and that her message is reserved for adults, although children should feel comfortable with themselves instead of letting society dictate what is deemed right and wrong.
“I actually like when people give me a hard time when it comes to that,” Amber continued. “It gives me an opportunity to explain exactly what [this] is… I really feel like he could’ve approached that situation better. Benzino did absolutely no research at all.”
Amber pointed out that Benzino may have a tough time understanding the message of the event and the message that Neo-Feminists try to promote as a whole. Someone who clearly didn’t have any problems understanding the message was his baby’s mother, Althea Eaton, who attended the event.
“His baby’s mom was there with his son,” she mentioned. “She came to support because she’s a woman. S–, having a baby with a man like that, I’m sure she’s deal with so much slut shamaing and ridicule and I was so happy to see her face there.
To listen to the latest episode of Loveline with Amber Rose and Dr. Chris Donaghue, you can find the full episode on CBS Radio’s podcast network.