By Rahul Lal
On the the latest episode of Loveline with Amber Rose, Amber discussed her past, answering questions about being a stripper from a listener who was interested in trying it out, but nervous to give it a try.
“When I was stripping,” Rose began. “It was the best time of my life.”
But she offered a stern bit of advice: “A lot of men will offer you a lot of money to do a lot of things: don’t do it. Nothing is sexual. Look at every single face in there as dollar signs. Go in there, make your money, go home, pay your bills.”
Eventually, her career led to appearances in some music videos. As a neo-feminist, she encourages other women to use their body in any way they deem appropriate. The negative association with stripping, she says, comes from generations of misogynistic judgment.
“Unfortunately, I hear some people talk in a very patronizing, condescending way about people that choose to be sex workers or dancers or strippers or erotic performers,” said co-host and sex therapist Dr. Chris Donaghue. “Again, you can very much go in with choice, with full autonomy and enjoy what you do and have your self-esteem fully intact doing so.”
She had a bit more advice, though: “Don’t do anything after, before or during, sexually,” she added. “It does become very tempting for a lot of girls because when money is involved, a lot of people will be willing to do a lot of things that they wouldn’t usually do. If you keep your head up, stay off drugs, go in there, you make your money, it’s an honest living, it truly is. If you’re comfortable with your body, I highly suggest it if you do it the right way.”
Another called asked about commonly-used drugs to increase and enhance sexual performance. Amber noted that she has never been one for drugs let alone sexual enhancers. And despite the fact that she has a child with one of the most popular figures in marijuana culture today — Wiz Khalifa — she’s doesn’t partake.
“I’m such a square when it comes to drugs,” she revealed. “I literally don’t do s—, I’ve never tried a drug in my life. I tried to smoke weed once when I was younger but it just wasn’t my thing. I’m terrified of that s—, man.”
Chris always notes that intimacy is one of the most important things in keeping a relationship healthy. He deals with plenty of couples who face issues and remark that they are rarely intimate and he believes this plays a large part.
“I say this and people roll their eyes,” he added. “I want to be fully present and in the moment. When I have sex… I want to be present, I want to see them, I want the lights on, I want eyes open, I’m that person that makes out with their eyes open some of the times, I want to see you and I want to feel you. For me, poppers or any other type of drug use is going to kind of check me out and pull me out of it.”
Amber’s response: “Chris, sex with you is probably f—ing insane, bro…”
To listen to more on these topics as well as other topics, you can hear the full episode of Loveline with Amber Rose on CBS Radio’s podcast network. Listen to the full podcast here.